Lost gloves 15 & 16:

Do you know what time of the year it is? The holiday season? No, to me, it's the season of lost gloves, haha. I have 45 pictures of lost gloves...then I went on hiatus. Not sure why, but I did. Now, I think I'll start it up again, as I've been seeing them all over the place lately. It's kind of like a scavenger hunt to me. And Tom Hanks, it seems. I once came across his lost boot/lost glove pics on the net -- seems he gets a kick out of it as well. Although, I find the lost boot pics to be more of a plebeian activity. Lost glove people are more highly evolved, in my opinion, Tom. I've never met Tom, but maybe we should start a "lost glove" club, and it'll be extremely exclusive, even among the exclusive. We'll have a long list of membership criteria. I'm sure there are more of us out there. Ha. The parties would be hilarious. We could showcase our work, and to support each other, we could all show up wearing one glove, one shoe, or half of a hat, something of the sort. I'm in. Absolutely.
I never move the lost gloves. I just challenge myself to take a cool shot, no matter where I find them. Wonder if I'll find one today.
Actually, one of these shots made it on to the cover my fourth book, THE HOLE, a psychological thriller I wrote during the heart of the pandemic. Yes, I took the shot and designed the cover. I also handled the interior design, writing, and editing-- a completely solo venture. (True for all of my books). Shameless plug: you can find it here. And there's a rather spooky, running glove theme in there as well, one that sneaks in throughout the whole book. Here's the cover of that sucker:

Lost gloves. Makes life a little more interesting, anyhow. Have a good one.
C.A. MacConnell