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Bring Her Back

A poem, but I wrote it more as a song. See what you think. Just revising some today. C.A.

Bring Her Back

Remember when no one
cared about saccharin.
Whether or not it can
kill you, the world
sure loves the skinny.

Maybe I worry
that you won't like it.
Maybe I write
that your eyes are dark
just to be safe.

I am half-sleeping
on a brown couch
with a red pillow
and just like you,
I can’t find the bear.

Someone’s winning.
Maybe a pirate
who deserves it.

Maybe some bodysuit
made of teeth and blood.

I could dye my hair
permanent black,
but then the skin stands out.
Winehouse was a genius.
Tattoos can’t bring her back.

Maybe I write
that your eyes are dark
just to be safe.
Maybe I worry
that you will like it.

C.A. MacConnell