Covington Alley
Covington, KY
Hey there. Hope you like the shot. I took this while I was waiting to get a tat a while back. I'd like two more.
Have a good day. I'm taking it easy. Been a wild month!
Have a good day. I'm taking it easy. Been a wild month!
Doing some fine tuning on my secret, still yet to be released Book Three. It's all done, all there...just needs a slick touch. And with this book in mind, I'm attempting to get a scholarship for a workshop with an agent this summer, so wish me luck. Sent out my samples and now it's just a waiting game. I find out in March.
In the meantime, to check out my others, see the following links (the feedback has been amazing <3). Most people say they couldn't put them down...
Much love to you,
C.A. MacConnell