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Milford, OH
When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.
-- Chief Seattle, Duwamish
Survivors, the Voice
For a long time, I've felt that my mission is to travel and give talks. When I'm speaking in front of others, sharing my story, sharing my experience, trying to help and educate, I feel alive.
I write these books with that mission in mind. Each day, I hope and pray that I'll be able to go on a book tour -- large or small -- and give talks all over the nation. In the past, I gave advocacy talks all over the region, and it was so rewarding.
Meet people, connect with them, share life stories, yes.
I feel that what I've been through is tragic, joyful, miraculous, and unique. But isn't everyone's story a miracle, really? Some journeys are more tumultuous than others -- sure -- but we all have a voice.
When it comes to expression from the heart, there's no coach. No pep talk. But when I tell someone that at 24-5 years old, I had to relearn how to write and read due to a debilitating, catatonic depression, it can be a powerful tale that creates wonder and hope. Because here I am now, writing to you, writing books.
So what do I have to lose? Nothing at all. I keep trying. And if you're going through a rough spot, they say...don't give up before the miracle happens.
How can you use your unique, miraculous voice today? I will if you will.
That is my dream, and I'm sticking to it.
C.A. MacConnell