Vintage Guitars
Beyond horses, family, and love, this is one of the other sides to my book, GRIFFIN FARM -- Rock and roll, baby. Heya, the book signing is only three days away! Sunday, April 3, 6pm, Awakenings, 2734 Erie Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45208. Join us for a celebration of art.
Today I went for a "relaxing walk" that involved a wicked thunderstorm, and I got so soaked that I had to borrow some pants from my buddy. I was specific and told her to get me something cool and expensive to borrow. She gave me Christmas pajamas with candy canes. And of course, I'm the biggest Grinch around, go figure. As each day goes by, my style is literally heading deeper and deeper into the bottom of the shitter.
Ho ho, dayum,
C.A. MacConnell