I love this picture. Hope you do too. Hope I made you smile today. :) Hope, hope, hope. I feel it, don't you?
Reminder #3: The book signing/reading for my novel, GRIFFIN FARM, is Sunday, April 3, 6pm, Awakenings Coffee, 2734 Erie Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208. My stash of books are on the way. I hope to sell every single one. Come on out for a signed original! Feedback has been incredible so far. I created, wrote, edited, and designed this monster all by my lonesome, and now I'm planning and promoting the signing myself as well. It feels good, actually. It's all my creation. All on a budget of the following: zero. That's right. It's amazing if you think about it. I'm a one-woman nonprofit publishing house or something, geez.
Also, I'm hungry.
I'm learning a lot.
Also, what the fuck will I do with THE HOUSE OF ANCHOR, book #2? Still mulling it over.
If you just want to buy GRIFFIN FARM directly from Amazon, paperback or Ebook, go here.
It's nipply out,
C.A. MacConnell