I've messed up a lot this year! Everything is going to get really messed up! I need to fix and change everything right now!
Ever start the day this way? I just did. Hm, let's change that.
Let's begin again.
There will always be some sort of problems going on, but I don't need to focus on the problems. I'm a trooper, and I've done some amazing things this year, and my growth and progress have been huge, and I can't even believe it when I think about all I've been through. I can't even believe how strong I've been in spite of so much going on!
Yesterday was so much fun. I laughed a lot, stayed right in the moment, and helped a bunch of folks. I didn't think I was a "mess-up" yesterday.
Yesterday, I remained calm, stayed in the flow, and I helped others.
Today, in spite of my problems, I can stay calm, stay in the flow, and help others.
And just right now, I've been reminded of something that I learned 27 years ago, and that is this: if I show up, have faith and courage, remain gentle with myself while taking right actions, help others, and trust my higher power, the problems will solve themselves.
Good morning. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
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P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB: C.A. MacConnell or Email: right here.