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Lost Glove 63


Glove 63, by C.A. MacConnell

This is one of my favorites, out of 63 Lost Glove shots. Took this one this afternoon. :) XO. Have a nice night, C.A.

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.

Right Here. Four Books.


Four novels by C.A. MacConnell. Touch/click book covers above for descriptions/purchase info! Or, see my Author Page right here. Thank you for loving and supporting my photos and books. On the way to number one!

Have a beautiful day. Create. Love to you, C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.




Call, by C.A. MacConnell C. 2025

There's a hawk in there if you look closely. :)XO. I picked this one because I've been reaching out more and watching it unfold. I'm extremely introverted for sure, but lately I've been getting out more...feels good to get out of my comfort zone. :) The world happenings are chaotic, but I'm just trying to stay centered and focus on what's right around me and how I can be a part of the goodness, however small my effect may be. Just part of who I am, I suppose. Feels good when I stay in this flow, anyhow. Stay present, stay focused, look inward and allow it to radiate outward.

People have different ways of going about the day. I've been trying out different hats, so to speak. And settling into what works for me at this time in my life.

My fiction is amazing and quite different than these little blurbs. I hope you get a chance to check it out. Thirty years of hard work. :) Proud of that. Slick, raw, real, mysterious, smart, and definitely humorous at times. You'll be surprised.

Love to you. Have an awesome day,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Hawk, Sunrise.


Photo of the day by C.A. MacConnell

Good morning. Stay focused on my path. Return to the basics. Be kind. Be aware. See and be a part of the goodness.

That's what just came to mind. And so, I shared it with you.

I hope you have a beautiful day. See the beauty around. And see the beauty in yourself too. Hope you have a good day. Love to you, C.

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


I'm Asking.

Good morning. What is right next to you? What is right in front of you? What is right behind you? Who is there? Who responds and reciprocates? Where is the love, the action of the word, in your life? I'm asking.

I'm wondering.

Where is the love, the action, within myself?

What is it I can do today to give and receive love? How can I be a part of the good?

I'm asking.

C.A. MacConnell


Thank YOU! My Books, My Stats. Thank YOU!


Highly rated, fast-paced, mysterious, raw, real, and even humorous at times. Click here! Over 30 years of hard work.

My stats? See my bio. M.A. English and Creative Writing, Hollins University, home of numerous award-winning authors, including me! Right on.

Thank you for supporting and loving my photos and books! On the way to number ONE! Thank you to all those who have left ratings!

Thank YOU!
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Helping Hand


I suppose my favorite shots are tree shots...particularly the ones with little suggestions or interesting details that pack some emotional punch. Yea. Like this one. XO. I like hugging trees and talking to them as well. They're good listeners, and their energy is so gentle, kind, and wise, in my opinion. I can really feel it sometimes. Other days, I often think they're whispering to me. Indeed, I believe that they can hear me.

Guess what? I'm here, I'm alive. Truly, that's a miracle. I'm ready to work hard and later, I'll have the chance to visit some of my favorite trees. It's going to be an amazing day.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


How I Talk to Myself.

When I woke up this morning, I had a number of rapid thoughts. My mornings usually begin this way. Actually, my mind moves quickly all of the time, although people are usually surprised when I say that, because my outside appearance/general countenance completely hide it. Be careful what you think about people's outsides! Anyway, my mind moves at a swift pace. Sometimes, it's great...when I'm writing characters and such. Other times, it can be difficult to manage. I'm sure that's true for many folks. I have no idea; I just know my experience. But after I stepped back and did some reading, I noticed the train of thinking regarding my first thoughts, and I observed the way that I talk to myself.

When I take a look at it, I realize that most of the thinking toward myself is typically negative and harsh. Sitting here observing this "go-to" line of thinking. Where does this come from? A number of places. I'm not as concerned about that.

But I have to ask myself this:  how would I talk to someone else in the morning? How would I talk to a child, or a friend, or a pet? How would I talk to someone that I dearly love?

And that entirely changed my mode of thinking.

Notice. Because the outside world is a reflection of what's on the inside. I create the world around me based on my thinking, my past, my experiences, and my choices. And so, if I want a world full of love, I have to begin with talking to myself in this manner.

I'd rather have a day like that. I'd rather wake up and celebrate all of my strengths and victories. I'd rather celebrate the unique, broken, and wonderful human that I am right now. Maybe I've made mistakes, but everyone has, and I am more helpful as a human when I feel loved, happy, cared for, and peaceful. When I am honored and heard. And somewhere inside this special place, there rests a universal force that I call, "God."

And so, instead, I'll begin with this:  self, right now, good morning, I love you. You are doing a great job. Just do the next right thing for you. It's OK, you don't have to be perfect! No big deal! The universe wants you to feel better. You help so many people every day, and it's awesome. Just keep doing it. Your job is to see how awesome you are. Everything will work out. Don't forget to laugh today! Have fun and look around every second and be aware, because there are miracles all around.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Glove 1.


Glove 1.

Hi! I now have 62 Lost Glove Lost Sock, ha. I admit that the Sock isn't my greatest photo ever. But it is hilarious.

Anyway, it's a fun exercise in attempting to find something interesting in the small stuff, because I never move the gloves and so, there's some craft involved. And, when I shift my perspective to look for something, when I find it, the moment becomes like a childhood game...something special. I love shit like that. When I take my walks, I often feel like a kid. When I was little, I was alone a lot, and my imagination was fierce. Now that I'm 50, I haven't changed much in that regard. I love that playful piece inside. I suppose that's why I love to read as well.

All it takes is a perspective shift...that can change the day, as well as my entire life. For instance, I can say to myself, Today I will look for magic! Or, today I will look for a lost glove! Or, today, I will listen for beautiful words! It really does make a difference if I lean into it.

Today I will look to give and receive love. :) XO. And I will notice all of the abundance in the universe that is right there for me. :) XO.
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Love and Books.


Good morning. I have four amazing novels on Amazon NOW! M.A., English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. I've been at this for thirty years -- careful study of my craft. All of my books have a strong mystery element, but they're all quite unique. Fast-paced, gripping, real, raw, and humorous at times. Highly rated and creative, you'll never forget the ride. And you'll never forget these characters. Dialogue and voice are my specialties.

Descriptions? Purchase Info? GO HERE.

Thank you for supporting and loving my photos and books!

This morning, Melodie Beattie's writings reminded me of this:  "Today I will let God show me love." That is, let me allow myself to see and feel it. Great way to start the day. Sometimes, I get so caught up in trying to "work harder and be perfect," and all that does is create harshness and stress. Right here, right now, I'm OK, and I'd rather see and feel love enter into my life today. What a calming feeling. (of course, replace the word "God" with whatever you choose -- universe, etc).

Have a great day everyone. Did you see Venus next to the crescent moon last night? A little magic in the sky. <3
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Let's Begin Again

I've messed up a lot this year! Everything is going to get really messed up! I need to fix and change everything right now!

Ever start the day this way? I just did. Hm, let's change that.

Let's begin again.

There will always be some sort of problems going on, but I don't need to focus on the problems. I'm a trooper, and I've done some amazing things this year, and my growth and progress have been huge, and I can't even believe it when I think about all I've been through. I can't even believe how strong I've been in spite of so much going on!

Yesterday was so much fun. I laughed a lot, stayed right in the moment, and helped a bunch of folks. I didn't think I was a "mess-up" yesterday.

Yesterday, I remained calm, stayed in the flow, and I helped others.

Today, in spite of my problems, I can stay calm, stay in the flow, and help others.

And just right now, I've been reminded of something that I learned 27 years ago, and that is this: if I show up, have faith and courage, remain gentle with myself while taking right actions, help others, and trust my higher power, the problems will solve themselves.

Good morning. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.