Glove 63, by C.A. MacConnell
P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB: C.A. MacConnell or Email: right here.
Four novels by C.A. MacConnell. Touch/click book covers above for descriptions/purchase info! Or, see my Author Page right here. Thank you for loving and supporting my photos and books. On the way to number one!
When I woke up this morning, I had a number of rapid thoughts. My mornings usually begin this way. Actually, my mind moves quickly all of the time, although people are usually surprised when I say that, because my outside appearance/general countenance completely hide it. Be careful what you think about people's outsides! Anyway, my mind moves at a swift pace. Sometimes, it's great...when I'm writing characters and such. Other times, it can be difficult to manage. I'm sure that's true for many folks. I have no idea; I just know my experience. But after I stepped back and did some reading, I noticed the train of thinking regarding my first thoughts, and I observed the way that I talk to myself.
When I take a look at it, I realize that most of the thinking toward myself is typically negative and harsh. Sitting here observing this "go-to" line of thinking. Where does this come from? A number of places. I'm not as concerned about that.
But I have to ask myself this: how would I talk to someone else in the morning? How would I talk to a child, or a friend, or a pet? How would I talk to someone that I dearly love?
And that entirely changed my mode of thinking.
Notice. Because the outside world is a reflection of what's on the inside. I create the world around me based on my thinking, my past, my experiences, and my choices. And so, if I want a world full of love, I have to begin with talking to myself in this manner.
I'd rather have a day like that. I'd rather wake up and celebrate all of my strengths and victories. I'd rather celebrate the unique, broken, and wonderful human that I am right now. Maybe I've made mistakes, but everyone has, and I am more helpful as a human when I feel loved, happy, cared for, and peaceful. When I am honored and heard. And somewhere inside this special place, there rests a universal force that I call, "God."
And so, instead, I'll begin with this: self, right now, good morning, I love you. You are doing a great job. Just do the next right thing for you. It's OK, you don't have to be perfect! No big deal! The universe wants you to feel better. You help so many people every day, and it's awesome. Just keep doing it. Your job is to see how awesome you are. Everything will work out. Don't forget to laugh today! Have fun and look around every second and be aware, because there are miracles all around.
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell
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P.S. NOVELS: Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOW! Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. You name it; I can do it.
P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB: C.A. MacConnell or Email: right here.