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Lost Glove 63


Glove 63, by C.A. MacConnell

This is one of my favorites, out of 63 Lost Glove shots. Took this one this afternoon. :) XO. Have a nice night, C.A.

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.

Right Here. Four Books.


Four novels by C.A. MacConnell. Touch/click book covers above for descriptions/purchase info! Or, see my Author Page right here. Thank you for loving and supporting my photos and books. On the way to number one!

Have a beautiful day. Create. Love to you, C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.




Call, by C.A. MacConnell C. 2025

There's a hawk in there if you look closely. :)XO. I picked this one because I've been reaching out more and watching it unfold. I'm extremely introverted for sure, but lately I've been getting out more...feels good to get out of my comfort zone. :) The world happenings are chaotic, but I'm just trying to stay centered and focus on what's right around me and how I can be a part of the goodness, however small my effect may be. Just part of who I am, I suppose. Feels good when I stay in this flow, anyhow. Stay present, stay focused, look inward and allow it to radiate outward.

People have different ways of going about the day. I've been trying out different hats, so to speak. And settling into what works for me at this time in my life.

My fiction is amazing and quite different than these little blurbs. I hope you get a chance to check it out. Thirty years of hard work. :) Proud of that. Slick, raw, real, mysterious, smart, and definitely humorous at times. You'll be surprised.

Love to you. Have an awesome day,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Hawk, Sunrise.


Photo of the day by C.A. MacConnell

Good morning. Stay focused on my path. Return to the basics. Be kind. Be aware. See and be a part of the goodness.

That's what just came to mind. And so, I shared it with you.

I hope you have a beautiful day. See the beauty around. And see the beauty in yourself too. Hope you have a good day. Love to you, C.

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


I'm Asking.

Good morning. What is right next to you? What is right in front of you? What is right behind you? Who is there? Who responds and reciprocates? Where is the love, the action of the word, in your life? I'm asking.

I'm wondering.

Where is the love, the action, within myself?

What is it I can do today to give and receive love? How can I be a part of the good?

I'm asking.

C.A. MacConnell


Thank YOU! My Books, My Stats. Thank YOU!


Highly rated, fast-paced, mysterious, raw, real, and even humorous at times. Click here! Over 30 years of hard work.

My stats? See my bio. M.A. English and Creative Writing, Hollins University, home of numerous award-winning authors, including me! Right on.

Thank you for supporting and loving my photos and books! On the way to number ONE! Thank you to all those who have left ratings!

Thank YOU!
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Helping Hand


I suppose my favorite shots are tree shots...particularly the ones with little suggestions or interesting details that pack some emotional punch. Yea. Like this one. XO. I like hugging trees and talking to them as well. They're good listeners, and their energy is so gentle, kind, and wise, in my opinion. I can really feel it sometimes. Other days, I often think they're whispering to me. Indeed, I believe that they can hear me.

Guess what? I'm here, I'm alive. Truly, that's a miracle. I'm ready to work hard and later, I'll have the chance to visit some of my favorite trees. It's going to be an amazing day.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


How I Talk to Myself.

When I woke up this morning, I had a number of rapid thoughts. My mornings usually begin this way. Actually, my mind moves quickly all of the time, although people are usually surprised when I say that, because my outside appearance/general countenance completely hide it. Be careful what you think about people's outsides! Anyway, my mind moves at a swift pace. Sometimes, it's great...when I'm writing characters and such. Other times, it can be difficult to manage. I'm sure that's true for many folks. I have no idea; I just know my experience. But after I stepped back and did some reading, I noticed the train of thinking regarding my first thoughts, and I observed the way that I talk to myself.

When I take a look at it, I realize that most of the thinking toward myself is typically negative and harsh. Sitting here observing this "go-to" line of thinking. Where does this come from? A number of places. I'm not as concerned about that.

But I have to ask myself this:  how would I talk to someone else in the morning? How would I talk to a child, or a friend, or a pet? How would I talk to someone that I dearly love?

And that entirely changed my mode of thinking.

Notice. Because the outside world is a reflection of what's on the inside. I create the world around me based on my thinking, my past, my experiences, and my choices. And so, if I want a world full of love, I have to begin with talking to myself in this manner.

I'd rather have a day like that. I'd rather wake up and celebrate all of my strengths and victories. I'd rather celebrate the unique, broken, and wonderful human that I am right now. Maybe I've made mistakes, but everyone has, and I am more helpful as a human when I feel loved, happy, cared for, and peaceful. When I am honored and heard. And somewhere inside this special place, there rests a universal force that I call, "God."

And so, instead, I'll begin with this:  self, right now, good morning, I love you. You are doing a great job. Just do the next right thing for you. It's OK, you don't have to be perfect! No big deal! The universe wants you to feel better. You help so many people every day, and it's awesome. Just keep doing it. Your job is to see how awesome you are. Everything will work out. Don't forget to laugh today! Have fun and look around every second and be aware, because there are miracles all around.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Glove 1.


Glove 1.

Hi! I now have 62 Lost Glove Lost Sock, ha. I admit that the Sock isn't my greatest photo ever. But it is hilarious.

Anyway, it's a fun exercise in attempting to find something interesting in the small stuff, because I never move the gloves and so, there's some craft involved. And, when I shift my perspective to look for something, when I find it, the moment becomes like a childhood game...something special. I love shit like that. When I take my walks, I often feel like a kid. When I was little, I was alone a lot, and my imagination was fierce. Now that I'm 50, I haven't changed much in that regard. I love that playful piece inside. I suppose that's why I love to read as well.

All it takes is a perspective shift...that can change the day, as well as my entire life. For instance, I can say to myself, Today I will look for magic! Or, today I will look for a lost glove! Or, today, I will listen for beautiful words! It really does make a difference if I lean into it.

Today I will look to give and receive love. :) XO. And I will notice all of the abundance in the universe that is right there for me. :) XO.
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Love and Books.


Good morning. I have four amazing novels on Amazon NOW! M.A., English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. I've been at this for thirty years -- careful study of my craft. All of my books have a strong mystery element, but they're all quite unique. Fast-paced, gripping, real, raw, and humorous at times. Highly rated and creative, you'll never forget the ride. And you'll never forget these characters. Dialogue and voice are my specialties.

Descriptions? Purchase Info? GO HERE.

Thank you for supporting and loving my photos and books!

This morning, Melodie Beattie's writings reminded me of this:  "Today I will let God show me love." That is, let me allow myself to see and feel it. Great way to start the day. Sometimes, I get so caught up in trying to "work harder and be perfect," and all that does is create harshness and stress. Right here, right now, I'm OK, and I'd rather see and feel love enter into my life today. What a calming feeling. (of course, replace the word "God" with whatever you choose -- universe, etc).

Have a great day everyone. Did you see Venus next to the crescent moon last night? A little magic in the sky. <3
Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Let's Begin Again

I've messed up a lot this year! Everything is going to get really messed up! I need to fix and change everything right now!

Ever start the day this way? I just did. Hm, let's change that.

Let's begin again.

There will always be some sort of problems going on, but I don't need to focus on the problems. I'm a trooper, and I've done some amazing things this year, and my growth and progress have been huge, and I can't even believe it when I think about all I've been through. I can't even believe how strong I've been in spite of so much going on!

Yesterday was so much fun. I laughed a lot, stayed right in the moment, and helped a bunch of folks. I didn't think I was a "mess-up" yesterday.

Yesterday, I remained calm, stayed in the flow, and I helped others.

Today, in spite of my problems, I can stay calm, stay in the flow, and help others.

And just right now, I've been reminded of something that I learned 27 years ago, and that is this: if I show up, have faith and courage, remain gentle with myself while taking right actions, help others, and trust my higher power, the problems will solve themselves.

Good morning. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


See the Light


See the Light, C.A. MacConnell C. 2025

Good morning. Love to you. Be kind to yourself. We're in this together.

Maybe I write such phrases a lot, and maybe they're just words...but that's what I'm honestly thinking and feeling right now, and I'm sending it out from my heart. For me, for you.

This world has gotten intense and wild. I woke up with fear but then, I texted a friend who is struggling, and I simply reconnected with one person, and it brought me back to what's important for this day: telling you the truth, helping people, being a cheerleader for myself and others, and living for each moment. And it brought me back to how simple words exchanged between two human beings can sometimes save a life. I know it has done so for me.

And so, good morning. Love to you. Be kind to yourself. We're in this together. Whatever is going on with me, with you, with life in general, I hope that this day brings you some peace and love.

Have a good day,
C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Bicycles 1&2


These are film shots that I captured in Cleveland. I like the simplicity, and the suggestion of feeling. Also, reminds me of an old-time, mini slide show. Power in the small stuff. My little niche. Most people like grand landscape shots...or amazing animal captures. I'm a little different with my taste when I shoot, although I like to observe those kinds of shots as well.

Good morning. I hope you have a good day. What comes to mind? "Be in this world but not of it." Not sure why that just entered my brain, but it helps me step outside of myself for a moment and recenter. Maybe this will help you too. :) XO.

Love to you, C.A. MacConnell.

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Sparks, January Road

Sparks. <3 this, if I do say so, ha.

January Road

Two I just took. :) Quite different vibes, but I found the beauty in the small stuff nonetheless. Just wanted to share with you.

C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.



Good morning. I have a lot going on this week. Maybe you do as well. If I sit here and start thinking about everything, I may become restless, fearful, and the like. But instead, if I focus on the, here, typing to you...and I think about the old cliche, "one day at a time," suddenly, this saying means just as much to me as it did the first time that I heard it. Whether I've heard them a thousand times or once, some sayings have really saved my life.

Here are some that I love: 

To thine own self be true. (Shakespeare)

One day at a time. (Attributed to Bill Wilson, although it is now widely used.)

Trust yourself. (Originally attributed to Emerson, although one of my supporters says this a lot)

Lean in and trust. (My friend/adviser says this a lot).

Right here, right now. (I say this a lot. I use it in a song as well. I think I grabbed on to the words one day, and it felt good to my heart).

Be kind and gentle with yourself. (Well, deer remind me of this. I say this a lot.)

Be compassionate with yourself and others. (Same as above. I tend to be extremely hard on myself and so, this helps me change the thinking).

Which way are you leaning? (Not sure who first said that to me, but it helps me when I have difficult decisions).

Killin it! (Ha, my spiritual adviser says that a lot, and it always cracks me up...but in truth, it's a great "cheering you on" kind of phrase).

We're in this together. (Not sure where that first came from, but I say it a lot, and it reminds me to be a part of the whole).

Listen, and when you hear or read something that resonates with you, you'll know. You'll feel a spark, and peace will enter your heart. (I just made that up, ha)

I don't know. (This frees me up, and it reminds me that I may be confused about things, but I have no idea what's going on in others' lives).

Love to you. (I say and write this a lot. Maybe that makes it seem overdone or generic, but I mean it when I write it, every single time. I don't know what rests inside other people's worlds or hearts, but I consider myself a child looking for love. Sometimes, it is indeed directed at one person, even though it may seem that I am writing to the world. Truth. Maybe it'll circle back, I don't know. I hope so).

Just some that came to mind. Oftentimes, I listen for the "God words," shall we say, as I go about my day. Perhaps that'd be a great focus for the day. :) XO. Perhaps every day!

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3 Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins UniversityOver 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.



Good morning.


Right now.

Celebrate the good, rather than "what's missing."

Celebrate all of your battles and blessings, all of your progress and learnings, all of the love in your life, all of the magic, all of the peace, all of the resilience, strength, and comfort.

Celebrate who and what are present around you.

Celebrate the beauty inside yourself.

Celebrate the details -- the strange, seemingly amazing coincidences, the right and wrong choices, the so-called mistakes that tuned out to not be mistakes at all, and the glorious patterns.

Marvel at the way it has unfolded.

Celebrate breathing.


Breathe again.

Celebrate this moment.

Worry is simply that -- worry. You have been, and you will always be taken care of. Your whole life, everything, everything, everything...has simply...worked...out.
Breathe. Marvel at the way it will unfold, even before it has occurred.

Breathe. Celebrate this peace.

Love to you, C.A. MacConnell

If you are enjoying my writings and photos, please consider purchasing a book or a print. Or, consider donating to my site. "Donate" button on the right side of this page. Everything helps! <3

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Once Raced Champions, Private Planes 5.


Two film shots. Second with filter, a mix of the old and the new. Hope you like them. Trying to figure out what I feel like doing tonight, ha. I suppose that's a good problem to have. Hope you're having a good day.

Thanks to you for supporting my books and photos! <3

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWI guarantee you'll never forget the ride! On the way to number ONE! Help me get there! Creative, fast-paced, unique, and gripping. Full of heart, real. I independently handle everything -- the creation, writing, editing, and interior/exterior design. Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it. <3, C.A.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.

Four Books!


Good morning. These are my four books! On the way to number one! Highly rated, fast-paced, raw, real, and even humorous at times, they all have a mystery element, but each one is quite unique.

Click here for details and descriptions well as purchase info!

You'll never forget these adventures. And you'll continually be surprised. I'm a master at twists and turns, as well as dialogue. XO.

Thank you for supporting and loving my photos and books! Thank you to all those who have left ratings! Thank you for being here with me on this journey.

Good morning.!
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNeed writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Here We Are.

This morning, I feel fear in my heart, which is a familiar feeling in the morning for me. Sometimes throughout the day. Yesterday, it was really bad. I had to take a lot of action to get through the day. Today, it's lingering from yesterday. Sometimes, I'll grab on to something specific that snowballs. Other times, the fear feels as if it's encompassing anything and everything.

I don't think I'm unique. I'm just sharing my experience. I dunno, I may deal with it more than others right now. I may feel afraid more than some others in general. And some people surely have more fear than me. I have no idea. All I know is that this is my story right here, right now. And it really has nothing specific to do with politics, as you may assume, although that doesn't help.

In reality, it has to do with what's changing inside of me, and the fear of going forward. Some days, I'm free of it, and that's amazing. I've worked hard to experience this phenomenon, ha, this lightness and freedom. Hell yeah.

Outside people, places, things, events, and distractions can help, but the power is always on the inside. No one can "make" me feel a different way. It all happens inside. Everything and everyone around me are merely a reflection.

Wishing it away doesn't help. Reassurance doesn't help. What does? Allowing myself to just be afraid, to have it be OK. Talking with folks who don't try to fix me. They just listen and give me the gift of feeling. Sometimes, it helps when folks listen and then assist me in taking a direct action that is necessary. Music and writing can be helpful too but oftentimes, a distraction, or an ear and a hug are what's best. Or, simply, a series of phone calls. Just reaching out to the right people. That's key.

But that's just me. People process things in different ways.

And would you look at that...I just wrote it all out to you.

Thank you for reading and allowing me to feel. You are a part of this. Now I can get ready for the day.

And perhaps, if you are reading, and you can relate, maybe I have allowed you to freely feel as well. And maybe I've given you "an ear and a hug" too.

We're here for each other. There's nothing complicated about this life for me anymore. It's about love. Loving myself, loving others. Trying to help, being present for each other. Here we are.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell C. 2025

P.S. If you enjoy my writings, photos, and the like, please consider purchasing a print, buying a book, or donating to my site...there's a button on the right side of this page to donate. Everything helps. Thanks, C.A.

P.P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWI guarantee you'll never forget the ride! On the way to number ONE! Help me get there! Creative, fast-paced, unique, and gripping. Full of heart, real. I independently handle everything -- the creation, writing, editing, and interior/exterior design. Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it. <3, C.A.

P.P.P. S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Good Morning.


Photo of the Day:  Good Morning, by C.A. MacConnell

I realize there's a lot going on in the world, to put it mildly. Always, I suppose. Last night, I fell asleep quite early and so, here I am, awake in the "secret hours," I like to call them...the strange time when most people are sleeping and here I am, typing away. It's 4:17AM. For some reason, when I get a strange window of time like this, it feels special to me and makes me grin. Artist time, for sure. Here I am, awake in the quiet...writing to the ether, ha. I've had many moments like this, when I'm alone, and it feels like I'm the only one awake, and I'm secretly writing to the universe.

Ha, of course I'm writing to you, whenever you may read this.

I picked this photo because it captures a gentleness, a sweetness, and the beauty of a morning moment. It reminds me to see what's good, and how I can be a part of something I believe in. It brings me to a moment from my past, and a dream that I hold close to my heart. Actually, I wrote a song about this, and I love playing it, but it always makes me tear up. XO. Still, the tears feel good for some strange reason.

Love to you. Hope you have a good day,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWI guarantee you'll never forget the ride! On the way to number ONE! Help me get there! Creative, fast-paced, unique, and gripping. Full of heart, real. I independently handle everything -- the creation, writing, editing, and interior/exterior design. Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it. <3, C.A.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Morning Thoughts.

This morning, I just allowed myself to write and be in the moment, for no reason other than to just be me. And this is what came out. From my heart.

Sitting here, making coffee, I worry about taking care of myself, and the like. I usually think about being alone and such. I worry about physical pain. I think about the future. At fifty, I wonder who will be there if I break a hip someday. Not sure. Sometimes, I think about aging and my looks although I've been letting a lot of that go. But I also think, it's OK to do some things for myself.  Sometimes, I read some spiritual things...sometimes I like them and sometimes, I don't, ha. I might think about the books I've written and daydream quite a bit, and my imagination is fierce most of the time. I laugh about how terrible I am at marketing. I worry about our country, our world, and the like. The weather, a symptom.

Some mornings, I feel sexy. Other times, I feel fierce and wild. And still other days, I'm terrified or peaceful. I suppose it's OK to be afraid. I suppose it's OK to be human. I talk to that which I call God -- everything, everyone, every creature, nature, and the divinity within.

I text some folks. I poke around at some readings, and I check out some photos and other art. I read some fiction. I pay some bills. I look at my pink slippers and wonder if I should wear them more. They just sit there most of the time. Then I think about a character who always wears pink slippers, a killer, yeah, ha. Then I develop a whole story about The Pink Slipper Killer. And I'll be annoyed until I start writing about the mess. And then, I start cracking up.

And I often dream about a small house, a pet, a partner, me sitting in a comfy chair reading something while someone else is there, present in another room...working on something. It warms my heart and yet, in my present life, the days keep rolling out pretty much the same...I laugh, have fun, work hard, read, write, and try to help some folks. I drift around. Pretty simple. When I am not working, I'm alone most of the time, which is OK. I don't know if I'll ever have that yellow kitchen. Or that person in the other room. I suppose I'd like a dog and a keyboard too, I dunno. I'm stuck in a dream that I want to be real. I've been there my whole life. Sometimes, I crack up at that too.

When am I truly at my best lately? Well, I enjoy singing. And the other day, I was taking a walk, and I sang some Nina Simone lines, and I picked up a stick, and I imagined that I was a great warrior from another land, and I talked to the trees and the sky, and I felt as free and wild as if I were 5 years old. I have these kinds of adventures a lot on my walks, on a daily basis, and it is magnificent.

My best self is not when I am at work. My best self is when I am at play. And when the work is play, rad. I know the magic when I am alone, and I am accustomed to that but every now and then, when I allow my best self to shine, I can add a little magic to someone else's life too.

Maybe I am doing that for you right now.


Yesterday, I asked myself this question: what is it that I truly want and need? Then I got quiet, and I waited, and I allowed my thoughts to settle.

The answer: allow yourself to play and love. Allow yourself to play and be loved. When I am in touch with myself in the moment, and I share this with you, the magic simply happens. XO.

Good morning. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell


Short Story: Jesus, Jimmy

Hope you're having a good morning! Love to you. Check out my books on Amazon NOW! Thank you for supporting and loving my photos and books! Heading for NUMBER ONE! XO, C.A.

My next book, nonfiction, is in the design stages. Also, I have a budding new fiction book going on as well. :) Here is a fiction sample for you. It's an old piece, but it'll give an example of my style...and how I capture a voice. :) -- C.A. Mac

Jesus, Jimmy

-- orig. published in Analecta 25: the Art and Literary Journal of the University of Texas at Austin

All right. There were some fights. Food scattered all over the kitchen, a fork mark on the side of Dad's neck. She had thrown it at him. She liked to throw things. When I walked into the kitchen, I ducked.

Bang, bang, bang on the wall. That was how she got my attention. "Moe! Get up, Moe! You shouldn't be sleeping all day!"

"I work the night shift!" I yelled back. Something like that.

Bang, bang, bang on the wall. "You shouldn't be sleeping all day!"

And there was my hand through a glass door because she pushed me into it. Then her calling the cops on me for attacking. Which I didn't, but there was blood there, and it was my fault like it was always my fault. Then it was me choosing between juvey hall and the psych ward. Then me choosing again.

So I hung out at Jimmy's basement mostly. We did ridiculous things like drink cases of Milwaukee's Best and smoke stuff and knock down walls. And sometimes, Jimmy got his guns out to show off to me. How Jimmy never ended up in jail, it's a wonder. He liked guns and guns like Jimmy. One time, we built a bonfire out in Jimmy's backyard. Jimmy burned things like books and chairs while I played my Dad's guitar in the basement. Through the sliding glass door, I watched Jimmy dance around the fire shooting his gun. Flash got me stoned. We called him that because he used to be all athletic and run real fast. He used to do everything fast -- walk fast, drive fast, pick up women fast. Stuff changes though. He made us crack up and turned into the dealer for us. There was money in it. When he was stoned, Flash cooked up these plans to save the world, then forgot them in a flash. He was a dreamer. We all were, like how we thought we could ace tests without studying at all. I always did okay, but there was the time when Jimmy saw my score and wrote "Eat shit" on my test. Then he dropped his pants. Boy, we both had to call our moms from school on that one. It was nuts.

While we burned things, Jimmy's mom slept upstairs. Either that or she went out with her boyfriend to Blueberry Hill for a drink, which usually turned out to be ten drinks. Her boyfriend was an electrician, and that came in handy when Jimmy drank too much and broke lamps. Me and Jimmy were just glad we had a place to hang out and do ridiculous things and not get yelled at. Jimmy's mom had a bad back and she was crazy too, quiet crazy. She took drugs for it, the kind that make you all loopy like you're half-dead.

Bang, bang, bang on the wall. "Moe, you bring me some hangers." And when I forgot, "Boy, I can see your titties when you wear that tank top." Mom said that 'cause I was big for fifteen. I was pretty built freshman year, but I kind of let myself go after that. Me and Flash were big and silly. Jimmy was bigger and sillier. Jimmy's mom was quiet crazy. My mom was loud crazy. That's why me and Jimmy hung out and knocked down walls.


I'm getting out today, which is a good thing because I'm playing my guitar tonight in the jazz band competition at school. All I've thought about for the past two weeks while I've been in the psych ward is how the hell I was going to get enough practicing done. They told me to think about all this past stuff, and I've thought about it, and I've written at least five new tunes about how Mom told me we were going to the doctor to get my ingrown toenails removed. Instead, she started chain smoking and drove me here, threw me in the loony bin. Not so bad, really. When you're fifteen, and in the loony bin, and your mom's loud crazy, it's kind of nice to get away for a while.

I got Dad's guitar with me. They don't let me keep it in my room because they're afraid somebody might steal it. They keep it behind the counter until I ask for it. It's not so bad here. Quiet. Kind of like a vacation.

So we go to meetings where we talk about how we feel, and I tell them I don't know why I'm here, that I'm just here, that Mom's loud crazy and I got no problems. Those whitecoats just nod and smile, looking at me all sad, the way Jimmy's mom looks when she does come down from her room, which is a one-in-a-million thing. The girls here talk and cry a lot. The boys here listen to me play tunes and beat on things when we're allowed to make noise. While I strum, I miss Jimmy and Flash, and I wonder how they're holding up. And I feel bad 'cause I know they don't like too much time without me. They need me to keep them from doing stuff that's really stupid, like stealing picnic tables from the neighbors. But that's another ridiculous story.

All right. So all week long I've been ignoring that guy with the sleep disorder. He kept banging on the wall the way my Mom did, all loud, trying to get my attention. I've been ignoring the pill suicide girls and the kid whose mom deserted his family on his birthday. I played my part in the psycho drama, the part of one of the suicide kid's abusive older brothers. That was some fun. All week long, they kept coming to me, and I listened to their stories and tried to help, but there's just no helping some people. Besides, I had to practice for the jazz band competition. Jimmy and Flash were looking forward to it. We had ridiculous plans for after the competition, whether or not I played well. They promised me that when I used my one phone call on them.

So I sit here with Dad's guitar and wait for her. When she pulls up in her AMC Eagle, yelling, "Moe!" out the window, waving her cigarette at me, I just sit and sulk.

"Get in," she says.

I get in because I got to get to school fast for the competition. I can’t drive yet and Flash is the only one with the car, but his is on blocks in Jimmy’s backyard because of the night we got all drunk on wine coolers and had the munchies. We went to Kentucky Fried Chicken and ate straight off the all-you-can-eat bar. When we got back, Flash ran straight into the side of Jimmy’s house. That was after we trashed the Cedar Ridge apartment complex across the street. Jimmy had to get a new brush after that because he left his floating in the pool there. Slipped out of his back pocket.

Dad’s guitar sits in the backseat behind me, same way it sat the day after he had his first heart attack, which was the same day Mom asked him for the divorce. It was the same day that gunfire and explosions went on in Jimmy’s backyard, and we stole a birdbath from his neighbor. A week later, Jimmy’s mom smoked in the basement, ashed in the birdbath and said, “Where’d this birdbath come from?” And Jimmy said back, “Moe’s mom gave it to us.” Jimmy’s mom smiled and went up to her room with a bottle of Wild Turkey and got all quiet.

Mom rolls up her window and lights one smoke off of another. “How you doing?” she asks me, stretching her neck like a bird so she can see over the dash. Mom is skinny and wrinkly. Makes me wonder how I turned out so big.

“How do you think I’m doing?” I say back. I feel like playing some blues. Maybe Muddy Waters. Miles Davis. Yeah, Jimmy and Flash would like that.

“Moe, we got to hurry. You got the jazz band, and I got people coming to see you,” she says.

I always thought it was funny that I had to play my electric with no amp because she was always telling me to shut up, but when people came over, she wanted to show me off.

“Yeah,” I say. She doesn’t talk anymore, and I’m glad because I’m trying to remember chords in my head. I move my fingers to make sure they still work.

When we get to Wilson High, my school, Mom drops me off at the door, and I rub my hands together because they’re cold, and it’s hard to play when they’re cold. Jimmy and Flash are there and they pat me on the back. Jimmy is stoned for sure and Flash is too I think, but sometimes it’s hard to tell with Flash since he wears glasses and when he takes them off, his eyes are just slits all of the time.

Jimmy pats me on the back again, and we walk back behind the school, where I smoke a blunt with them. We huddle together like three big bears.

“Was it a shithole?” Jimmy asks me, pulling that new brush out of his back pocket. He got the new one the time when we were fucked up and Flash was running around Food Lion yelling, “I’m available for any fourteen-year-old chicks,” while Jimmy was busy stealing pot pies, and while I was busy keeping track of them.

Jimmy brushes his greasy hair back so that it’s all slick.

“Yeah, man. The people in there were so crazy, made me think I’m pretty normal.” I take the brush from Jimmy and get slick too. Got to hold up my image. I’m a slick, fast blues man. I feel my goatee. It hasn’t grown much.

“Did you meet any women?” Flash asks me, pulling a flask from his pants, taking a swig, then passing it to me. He doesn’t slick his hair ’cause it’s not worth it — his hair’s so curly the brush just gets stuck there. But he pushes his glasses up on his nose even though they’re already pushed up there. Habit.

“One. She liked to hear me play, but the nurses watched us close. Made me leave the door open. Treated me like I was some kind of nutcase,” I say.

“Too bad,” Flash says, “Hey man, you can stay at my place if stuff with your mom is tiring you.” He takes another swig and goes, “Geez, ahhh,” then smacks his lips. Something like that.

“Yeah, like your mom wants another kid running around. She’s already got ten,” I say. I think about it though. Whenever I went to Flash’s house, his dad would cook me gourmet things like eggplant Parmesan. There was just something about his house. No matter what, me and Jimmy could walk in there looking and smelling like bums, but Flash’s house always smelled good. And Flash did too. My house smelled like smoke. Jimmy’s did too, only not cigarette smoke — his house smelled like smoke from burning things because Jimmy just liked to burn things.

I pick up Dad’s guitar and go around the school to the backstage, where I get ready, and where Jimmy and Flash say to me, “Don’t kill yourself,” which means good luck. Jimmy brushes my hair where it’s sticking up and Flash puts a pack of smokes in the pockets of my jeans. I pull them up. They’re a bit loose. That’s what happens when Mom puts you in the psych ward. You get loose jeans. Doesn’t matter, though, ’cause I’m big and Flash’s dad’ll cook me up something soon, like he did the last time I was in there — cooked me up some roast duck with wine sauce, which is something.

When I walk into the rehearsal room, the kids are already warmed up. They all stare at me, like they are thinking, There’s that big Moe, who was sent to the psych center. He must be nuts. But they keep on warming up, and as I tune my guitar, my hands feel bigger and bigger. My body feels bigger and bigger. And Dad’s guitar feels ridiculously heavy. I feel sweat coming down my head, messing up my hair where Jimmy brushed it. But I am strong, strong like Dad. I am a fighter, like Jimmy when he threw that kid into a mirror at his house and glass went everywhere. “Shit,” Jimmy said. “Bad luck.”

“Ready. The crowd’s waiting.” Mr. Slosher says that. He’s the gym teacher, but he’s also the music teacher. In gym class, he laughs when he calls my name for attendance. “Oh, it’s Tuesday. Moe must be here.” I only go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays because that’s band practice days. Always get an “A” in gym though. Mr. Slosher likes me ’cause I play a mean guitar. He says I know how to improvise.

We follow him because he’s got the suit on — me, the keyboard player, the bassist, and the drummer. One big bear and three little kids. We follow Slosher the way Mom follows me around the house, watching me, waving her cigarette like an extra finger, saying, “Moe, why you always look at me like that?”

Slosher opens the curtains for us, and the four of us go out on stage, waiting for the good part. I breathe deep and think of Jimi Hendrix. I look at Charles, the bass player, and nod. And he nods back. I feel all loopy and daydream about his dark face fading into Jimmy’s pale one. I picture Jimmy standing next to me on stage, saying, “Look at my new gun, Moe. We’re gonna tear some shit up tonight.” And I look at the skinny, angry drummer, wishing it were Flash beating on them, saying, “Come over. My dad made some linguine.” But when the curtains open, and I look out at the parents, all I see is Mom’s face, wrinkly and smiling. She even claps.

I stare at her while I play Dad’s guitar. I’m not thinking about what I’m playing, but somehow, my fingers move because Slosher says I know how to improvise. I keep staring at Mom and thinking of songs in my head, songs about people just like me and Flash and Jimmy, people that do ridiculous things. When it’s over, and the crowd’s making some noise, I think I see Dad out there too, smoking a cigarette in the back of the auditorium because he has to smoke in order to cough and get stuff out of his lungs. And that is the stupid thing about all of it. Not that he has to cough, but that he’s not there at all.

When they give me the plaque for "Most Valuable Jazz Band Member," all I can think about is how good it is going to look on that wall, that wall that Mom always bangs on. And as she takes me home, all I think about is where the plaque should go, somewhere between my poster of Jimi and the one of B.B. King. So, when I ask Mom for nails, she says, "Moe, we can't be ruining the walls."

But I do it anyway. I search through Dad's old work shed and find a big one and pound it in. Bang, bang, bang on the wall. I hang that plaque there, and when she comes in and throws things and takes that plaque away, I duck and keep hitting the wall. Bang, bang, bang. I hit it until there's a hole there, then walk over to Jimmy's to cool off. I'll get that plaque back. Something like that.

Me, Jimmy, and Flash hang out at Jimmy's and play pool. Jimmy is good and liquored up by the time I get over there to tell him about the plaque.

"That ain't right," he says, sitting on top of the pool table. It doesn't matter if we do that. The table has all sorts of dents and slants in it.

"Yeah," I say, drinking Jimmy's Mom's Wild Turkey.

"That just ain't right," Jimmy says, hitting his fist on the table, knocking the eight ball with the side of his big hand.

"Boys, we need to have a little meeting," Flash says, pulling bud out of his jacket.

The three of us move to a holey couch, sink in it, smoke and get all quiet until Flash says, "Man, you're gonna be all famous on stage someday and none of this shit will matter."

"Let me see your guns, Jimmy," I say to him.

Jimmy's red eyes open, and he jumps up to get them, but he only makes it to the pool table. He lies down on it and gets all sleepy.

Flash puts his arm around me. He feels warm and smells like some food I can't put my finger on. "You're gonna be all famous, and I'll be the cook for your band." He takes his glasses off and starts cleaning them on his sweatshirt. The glasses are clean, but he cleans them anyway. Habit.

"Yeah," I say. "I'm gonna make some noise." I pick up Dad's guitar by the neck and begin to strum the blues, staring at the birdbath. Flash gives me a noogie and fills up the big bong. Jimmy talks in his sleep. I play until I can't move my fingers. Then I shake them and play some more until I'm sweating, sweating like I'm on stage with thousands of people staring at me, yelling my name, smiling, smoking their cigarettes, letting me hang up my plaque. Me and Flash get stoned off our rockers and laugh at Jimmy who wakes up when his Mom comes down the stairs when she gets back from Blueberry Hill and thinks she better check on him for once.

"Let me see your guns, Jimmy," I say because it's too quiet, crazy quiet.

"Mom, does your boyfriend stick his dick in light sockets?" he asks her. And she shakes her head and walks to the upstairs, which I have never seen. She doesn't talk back to Jimmy because Jimmy has guns. She just stares like a crowd stares before the music begins when Mr. Slosher says, "You ready?"

Jimmy laughs all loud crazy then starts nodding off again, spread-eagled on the pool table. Flash goes over, pokes his shoulder 'cause he's worried Jimmy might choke on his puke or something ridiculous like that. Sometimes, it's hard to wake Jimmy unless you stick forks in his mouth. And then he'll just wake up and puke in the birdbath.

I keep yelling, "Let me see your guns," and Flash keeps poking him, until Jimmy wakes up and punches him in the mouth. "Let me sleep," he says.

"Jesus, Jimmy, it's me," Flash says to him, wiping his mouth, which probably hurts and will hurt more tomorrow. The whole scene will stick in his mind like a bad tune.

Jimmy opens his eyes up some more, rubs them, and says, "Sorry man." Flash and I know he means it 'cause he messes his hair up when he says it, and that means he's telling the truth. Sometimes the truth is messy that way. Then Jimmy slurs, "Hey, Moe, me and Flash'll help you get that plaque back, even if I have to beat the shit out of your old lady. She probably stuffed it under your dad's old clothes in the basement or something," right before he passes out for real, when there's no waking him.

"All right," I say. And sometimes it was.

-- C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWI guarantee you'll never forget the ride! On the way to number ONE! Help me get there! Creative, fast-paced, unique, and gripping. Full of heart, real. I independently handle everything -- the creation, writing, editing, and interior/exterior design. Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it. <3, C.A.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.


Wolf Hiding.


Photo of the Day:  Wolf Hiding by C.A. MacConnell. Film.

Good morning. Love to you, 
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWI guarantee you'll never forget the ride! On the way to number ONE! Help me get there! Creative, fast-paced, unique, and gripping. Full of heart, real. I independently handle everything -- the creation, writing, editing, and interior/exterior design. Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it. <3, C.A.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.




I suppose I could call this "home." But home is wherever I am in the moment. Yesterday, I had a blast playing jokes on people in grocery stores. I can have fun anywhere. This isn't my usual shot choice...I prefer more detailed shots, but many really love this kind. I prefer attention to detail :) And strangeness, but that's just me.

Trust yourself. :)XO. Good morning. With all of the outside influences, it's hard to trust the self sometimes...but it's rewarding, getting to know myself and allowing "me" to shine. Sometimes I'm wrong. That's OK. Learning to be easier too. Learning to wait and be patient sometimes...and at other times, act swiftly. Why not. Always an adventure. I'm continually surprised.

Have a great day. Love to you, C.A. MacConnell.

P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWI guarantee you'll never forget the ride! On the way to number ONE! Help me get there! Creative, fast-paced, unique, and gripping. Full of heart, real. I independently handle everything -- the creation, writing, editing, and interior/exterior design. Need writing help? M.A. English/Creative Writing, Hollins University. Over 30 years of experience in all genresYou name it; I can do it. <3, C.A.

P.P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Or, prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.