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Hey there. Here's a cool shot I took down by an airport one day. Pretty rad, I think. :) Ah, lately, I've been overwhelmed. I'd like a vacation. The last time I had a vacation was...let's 2000 I believe. I have gone on some short trips to Virginia, like every two years, but those were just one day in and out, kinda thing. Last time I was in an airplane was around 2005, I think...but that was for a specific purpose, not a real vacation. I dunno, just musing about it. I'd be cool with an at-home vacation too. I'm not too picky, for real. I'm one of those folks who likes to make no plans....some people plan vacations down to the minute. Not me. I like to go w/ the flow and do very little. I'm easily amused, that's for sure. This morning, I was amused by a little boy who was heading for the bus...he had his lunch box, his back pack, his matching outfit, and he looked over at me, waved wildly, and said, "Well, hello ma'am!" Made me smile. A little gentleman, all suited up for the school day and so proud of it too. :)

Daily, I've been working on revisions for Book Five, and it's coming along's around 300 pages at the moment, but there's still a lot I want to add as well. Indeed, it is a memoir. Speaking of which, if you've known me in the past, no worries -- I will change names & features, as well as leave out locations, or I'll be vague. I have no desire to throw anyone else under the bus...I fully intend to just focus on the important aspects of my personal journey and share it in the hopes that it will help others heal. That's the goal, because when I was going through certain situations in the past, I had absolutely no guide, no book to read, and no help at times...I'd like to be that help for another if possible.

In the meantime, make sure to check out my other books...just look right on this page and click on the book cover, and it'll send you to a description and pricing and such. Or, you can see my Amazon Author Page right here.

About to get off work. Just a note to say hello and send you some love.

C.A. MacConnell