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Howdy. Here's something I've been tinkering with just now. A love poem, in a way. Has a lot of pattern, sound going on. See what you think. <3, C.A.


I see your face
in the faces of strangers –
in the quick lip licks,
in the thin-legged stride
that leans right,
hips tilting
with sudden sweeping.
I see your face
in the teeth
tearing through lettuce,
in the church drunk
fresh from detox;
he shudders and hovers
I see your face
in the picnic table
bad man, who watches
the ladies, carving into knots,
tugging the tangled leashes
on his hound dog,
and the mutt.
I see you inside
the jerky walk
of the wedding photographer,
the squint of the close-up shot,
and the nervous groom’s
flute lip.
You must be behind
the blue wristwatch glass,
keeping time zones straight,
holding a half-cracked

C.A. MacConnell