Straight Through It.
Hi there. Whew. Hey, look close. There's a hawk in there. Do you see him? :) He's there. Just saw the one lovely fellow today, but I heard another. The girl, I think. Maybe I should've been a zoologist...or an ornithologist. Nah, I'd have to take organic chemistry. I'm terrible at that stuff. I'd rather just go for walks.
Been working hard on the book. That's putting it mildly. THE HOUSE OF ANCHOR, coming soon. I know it seems like I'm crying wolf. But I am in the last editing stages, and I have the book in hand...well...a "proof" of the book. Still, getting there. So stoked.
Been working hard on the book. That's putting it mildly. THE HOUSE OF ANCHOR, coming soon. I know it seems like I'm crying wolf. But I am in the last editing stages, and I have the book in hand...well...a "proof" of the book. Still, getting there. So stoked.
"Soon" is relative, I suppose. I'm SO excited about this work, but I'm making myself go slow and edit with great professionalism. Can't wait. It's hard to be patient, but I'm doing it. I've gotten smarter about such things.
Arrgh, life has been challenging as well, but I am stronger than the bullshit. Getting it done anyhow. In between editing, I check out Ellen's Twitter. I'm obsessed with it. I was obsessed with a boy's Twitter a while back, and in order to stop, I had to start obsessing on Ellen's Twitter. You know, pass on the love, something like that. Geez, sorry if I ever caused harm there, yo.
See, I realized that it's nearly impossible for me to "stop obsessing." All I can do is distract myself. Genius. Arrgh. Welcome to the world of me.
I hope you are happy. I hope you feel loved. I hope you feel peace in your mind and heart, wherever you are.
Back to my book. Well, shower, lube up, then the book. Love you,
I hope you are happy. I hope you feel loved. I hope you feel peace in your mind and heart, wherever you are.
Back to my book. Well, shower, lube up, then the book. Love you,