The paperback is only $12.45 new, and it's a lovely creation if I do say so myself. The Kindle version will be a mere $5.95 later tomorrow...still processing at the moment. I wrote, edited, and designed the whole sucker myself, so I'm very proud of this novel. 100% little old me. Many years in the making, that's for sure.
Go here for more details on ordering. There's a full preview, including a few sample pages, so you can check it out (and get hooked! you will, I promise). Also included are reader reviews of the work.
Thanks to anyone who has read it, and if you did, I'd be extremely grateful if you would write a review for me on the site. So far, in person and on the net, the feedback has been magnificent.
Grateful for supporters of my art. Always.
Love, C.A.