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Big Cat.


Photo of the night. :) XO. Original on film by C.A. MacConnell

Day of remembering to trust. Day of speaking my mind too! I'm getting feisty lately, ha. Hope you're smiling. Love to you, C.

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. I also do prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.

P.P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOWNumber 5 coming soon! Need writing help? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres.

Thank you for your continued support. C. A. MacConnell

Always, There is Light.


Photo of the day:  Always, There is Light.

C.A. MacConnell

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. I also do prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Msg FB:  C.A. MacConnell or Email:  right here.

P.P.S. NOVELS:  Four published books by C.A. MacConnell on Amazon NOW! Number 5 coming soon! Need writing help? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres.

Thank you for your continued support. Love to you, C. A. MacConnell


Plane 1, Show Up.


Hope you like the shot. A lucky film capture. C.A.

Show Up

This morning, I'm feeling rather connected...yesterday, I wrote about a mountain of fear. I shared some of it with a group. I shared the rest with a spiritual friend. Sometimes, it helps me to do both, when it's heavy territory, ha. Deep stuff! As we grow older, it just gets deeper! Also, I spent some time in a few of my secret spots, places where I feel calm and heard. I have several right now...they change from time to time.

I used to think fear was a bad thing. I used to think all feelings were bad, that I had to get rid of them. Now it helps me if I can see fear as a mere tool, as information, as a way to bring me back closer to my heart...just more information. Takes a lot of the pressure off.

Anyway, right now, I'm reminded of this:  all I have to do is show up.

And I'm reminded of my answer to the question, "Chris, what do you want to be when you grow up?" My original answer:  "I want to be a wild horse!" 

Love to you...friends, fellow dreamers, and all of the black sheep and so-called weirdos, because we're all important, and we're all in this together, and most of those weirdos are simply geniuses in disguise.

Show up,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Msg FB at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here. I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Writing? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW! Thank you for supporting independent art, as it is a part of my healing, growth, and survival at times, for sure. And it's a hell of a lot of fun.🙏🙋💪💖💥💥💥


Who I Am.

 Good morning.

Be who I am.

See who draws close and doesn't try to "fix" me, because I am OK and loveable, just how I am. I'm learning this more and more every day. I fall into old tapes or old reactions, but I suppose this is a long journey -- one back into the child within. :)XO.

Children, animals, they teach us all.

Love to you, C.A. MacConnell.


Clock In

So, clean the red buckets
or don't scrub a thing.
Maybe ride the finest
gelding; that boy's 100-K
at least. Fix what's black,
make it white-smooth,
or watch someone greater
get the leg up, becoming
the cowboy you’ll never
see again. Teach the kids
how to win, that blood
and bruises and blisters
are temporary. Always.

Or head down the drive
and lose every single child
at once. The tortoise cat lives
or dies. Down at the gate,
Mac the dog smiles, almost
forever. Soon comes the pack,
barking, catching up, seeking
out game scents, trusting
the air for signs, whether
danger or play. Above all,
when the scene chokes up,
grip the wheel, moving
with the wind and rocks.

And when the road runs
out, breaking the back
of work, you suddenly
realize that no one ever
came close, that no one
ever knew your twisted
insides, but like live gods,
now that you’re gone,
maybe they’ll whisper
your name, seeing traces –
a handprint in the dust,
a boot track in the lounge,
all loose boards nailed
tight, the rules and lesson
times that were forgotten,
and suddenly, they too
will live, buried within
you, wherever you go,
long after you clock out.
So, walk in silence
or hammer something.

C.A. MacConnell

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Msg FB at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right hereI also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Writing? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW! Thank you for supporting independent art. Remember to laugh. Remember to love yourself today. XO




Gum, Abandoned


Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Msg FB at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here. I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Writing? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW! Thank you for supporting my journey! I hope your evening is beautiful.

YOU...Can Make a Difference!

All four of my novels are geared toward mental health advocacy and addiction awareness; education is everything! These books show a diverse representation of characters whose lives are affected by disease...but...they also show how treatment and recovery can change and save lives

Want to make a difference? Read, educate, pass it onFor descriptions of each one, and to purchase, GO HERE.

Thank YOU for reading,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. Prints! See this week's posts for my popular ones! Join my page, message me on FB at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here. Xmas gifts from an indy artist? Slick prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang? Christmas cards? Got it! Thank YOU for buying books/prints! Each purchase supports recovery, indy creativity, and mental health awareness. And, stay tuned for some wonderful news!

Writing help? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. And ... don't forget ... NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW! Your support is spreading mental health awareness and recovery! It means so much, and I thank you from my heart.


East Fork, Hawk.

East Fork


C.A. MacConnell

These two have been getting a lot of attention. 👀❤

Hope you're having a beautiful day.

You're making a difference when you're supporting my photos and books, and I thank you.

Love to you,

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Msg FB at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here. I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Need writing help? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW! Thank you for supporting my journey! It means so much. 





Film shot :). One of the favorites! <3 this one.

Have a great day. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Msg FB at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here. I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Need writing help? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW! Thank you for supporting my journey! It means so much. 


I Freaking Love You

C.A. MacConnell

Fear vs. Love

Good morning. When I am angry or uncomfortable, fear is usually present underneath it. I see fear everywhere...inside me and around me. Fear of money (I see it in myself, those who have, and those who don't have), fear of not being successful (I see it in those who are working in all sorts of varying positions), fear of being alone (I see it in those who have no families or partners and those who have large families and partners), fear of not being heard (I see it in the world around me, on the net, etc), fear of illness (I see it in the sick and in those who are well).

It seems like everyone I talk to shares these basic, human fears. I suppose the list would change and become unique for each individual, but there seems to be a common thread.

What is this fear teaching me?

Sometimes, maybe more often than not, I am...and the world is...addicted to fear.

What can I do today that's different, not fear-based?

I can love. Small gestures, help, focus on giving. Simply notice how I can be of service. I will try if you will. :)XO. Days like that, when I'm in the flow of all that's good, I feel no fear.

Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints. Msg FB at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here. I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Need writing help? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW! Thank you for supporting my journey! It means so much. 


Some Film Shots.


Wolf 2

Wolf Hiding



Mustang, Outer Banks

Bfly Heart

All of these are original film shots by me, C.A. MacConnell. People have been digging the film shots. I prefer them as well. 

Want one? PHOTOS: custom, signed prints -- message my Facebook page at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here! I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang.

Need writing help? Master's degree in English/Creative Writing from Hollins University. Songwriting, book editing, copy, fiction, nonfiction...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW!

You Will Be Rewarded for Your Courage, Hoping


You Will Be Rewarded for Your Courage


Good morning. Just posting some more of my popular shots.

Want one? PHOTOS: custom, signed prints -- message my Facebook page at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here! I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Need writing help? Songwriting, book editing, copy, fiction, nonfiction...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres.

NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW!

Hope you have a beautiful day. Love to you,
C.A. MacConnell


Overlook, Man on Steps, New Orleans.



Man on Steps, New Orleans

These two have been popular! So rad. Just posting if anyone else is interested. I'll be posting some more popular ones this week. Stay tuned! <3 Thanks everyone for your continued support of my fine art photography and my novels.

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints -- message my Facebook page at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here! I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Need writing help? Songwriting, book editing, copy, fiction, nonfiction...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres.


Blue, Untitled.


Something for October. For this site only. NFS. :) One of my favorites, close to my heart. Hope you have a lovely evening. I'm going to sing some. :)

Love to you, 
C.A. MacConnell

Bedroom Wall Posters

A cashier asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. When I was little, and someone asked me that question, I listened to the other kids say things like "doctor," "lawyer," and "astronaut." My response was this:  "I want to be a wild horse!" I am fifty and now, my answer is this:  "I want to be a wild horse, or a hawk, because it would be really cool to be able to fly!" Wish me luck as Charlie (my car) and I navigate the cruel world as a wild horse and hawk, ha. Perhaps a Pegasus? I am drawn to others like this as well. :) Enjoy the poem. Love to you, C.A.

Bedroom Wall Posters

When I was little, I wanted to become
a mustang -- one of the riotous few
imprisoned only by quake, famine,
or storm. Which beast, I wasn't sure --
bay or black, grey or Paint, Palomino
or albino, but never the Appaloosa.
(Each time I spied a spotted coat,
I was again unhinged by shapes,
soon lost in the torturous world
of counting). I could almost hear
the group sound -- pounding hooves
touching earth, any earth, be it cracked,
craving desert or muddy, saturated
marsh. In one shot, they violently
beach-galloped, spattering waves
and sand, wind-swept, scattered
and strange. Yes, their joy was dirty.
He, the stallion, seemed bloodthirsty.
Cartoonlike, half-black and huge,
his eyes rolled back. On the edge
of the lid, he was slightly showing
a wild, white moon sliver. The silvery,
hot, inimitable foam of horse sweat
simmered all over him, and deep down,
I knew that in his time, in between
war and calm, he’d seen hundreds
of humans.

C.A. MacConnell

P.S. PHOTOS: custom, signed prints -- message my Facebook page at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here! I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang. Need writing help? Songwriting, book editing, copy, fiction, nonfiction...when it comes to writing, you name it...I can do it. Over 30 years of experience in all genres.


Drive Thru


Film shot.

PHOTOS: custom, signed prints -- message my Facebook page at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here! I also do fancier prints on metal or canvas, ready to hang.

Hi! Good morning. 💓 Fear is rolling in, as usual, in the morning, but grinning too, because I know I'll just get dressed and do the deal anyhow. :) As my spiritual adviser says, "Killin' it!" Always makes me laugh. My friend Jay is the king of quotes...yesterday, we were talking about how to turn around tough mornings and regroup, ending the day on a winning note. He said, "If you're in the dumps, you'll stay in the dumpster." Haha. Love it! Everyone around me is my spiritual adviser, actually. ;) Hope you have a beautiful day. Love to you,

C.A. MacConnell


Haunted Slide Show 2024

Good afternoon. Just for fun...a haunted slide show for you...hope you enjoy some samples of my work. PHOTOS:  for custom, signed prints of any of my photos, message my Facebook page at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here! I also do fancier prints on metal for those who want them ready to hang. NOVELS:  My four books are on Amazon NOW!

All of this is an independent, solo effort -- regarding both my photos, and every single detail of my books, including creation, writing, editing, interior & exterior design, and cover art. Rad.

Ha, of course I realize anyone can lift photos. If you lift, and they're not signed, they're not the real thing, as I spend great time in developing each one as a work of art and every inch, every shade matters to me! I hold the copyright on all of my images and writings, and all are time-stamped. I intend to present them all in a different format soon, but until then...respect would be awesome!

When you buy a signed print directly from me, or when you make a custom order, or when you buy one of my novels, you're supporting my journey, and you're making a difference in an independent artists' life

Love to you! Thanks for stopping by my site. Again, My four books are on Amazon NOWPHOTOS:  for custom, signed prints of any of my photos, message my Facebook page at C.A. MacConnell or, email me right here. Thanks again for joining me! You make a my artistic journey, as well as in my recovery and personal growth. Thanks again.

Now, for the Haunted Slide Show 2024...enjoy! Have fun. :) <3


Fuct, film shot

Clown, film shot

Three Creatures

Man in Tree



Dress for Success


Ludlow Outfit

Wes' Museum, film shot


Coke on a Fresh Grave

Unnamed, film shot

Lab Window

Graveyard Statue, film shot

Lost Glove 15, film shot

Lost Glove 16, film shot

Wolf, film shot

Spider, Ault 2, film shot

Spider, Ault, film shot

Snake, film shot



Graveyard Gate

Halloween 24

Hanging Out

Loose Wires 
(This one's my favorite, in case you wondered. In general, my specialty with images is this:  drawing emotion out of what seems ordinary. The right shot can turn something simple into a powerful, emotive piece. Power in the little things).

Love, C.A. MacConnell