Heya. I dig this little artsy photo. Hope you do as well. This tiny place has the best fucking coffee...a little hidden diamond that sits on a route where no business survives. But this little sucker keeps on rolling.
So, when I reached 350pp. on Book Four, I said to myself, Self, the book is done. Just a little fine tuning. Well, since then, I've added some muscle, and I've been filling in detail from the inside out. You know, like a water balloon. Now, I'm at a monster 390pp., and it's full. Not quite sure how that happened, but it happened.
I feet sure about the changes, though; it's all necessary extra juice that the book needs. As I like to say, it's slick.
Anyway, COMING SOON! Book Four. Stay Tuned. And I'm hoping I will say this: yes, it's on a bestseller list near you!
And...in the spirit of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and whatever other sneaky deals are going on in the universe, if you're looking for a Christmas gift for a book lover, or if you're looking for a book for YOU, I have three others out there on Amazon, and they're all waiting for you and your sanitized hands. No, the books are not a series, but all three have a mystery element, and they're fast-paced with heart and witty dialogue. Right on. Don't think it over. Buy this shit...
Check these out (Click the link for a description):
My debut: GRIFFIN FARM (13 and up, I'd say. Of course, I was reading adult fiction at 10, go figure.)
Book Two: THE HOUSE OF ANCHOR (adult language and themes)
Book Three: STRANGE SKIN (appropriate for all ages)
Thanks for stopping by, and I wish you the best on your adventure or nap, whatever the case may be. Gotta go put my mask on. Much love to you, always,
C.A. MacConnell