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Nature's Schoolteacher


Nature's Schoolteacher

I believe that with some horses, or maybe all horses, when you approach them for the first time, there exists an extraordinary moment and in that first moment, when you draw near to the animal and perhaps look into the penetrating eye, breathe close to or inside the nose, stand beside the chest, or ride him for the first time, in that remarkable instant, I believe that the horse has the ability to see and feel some or all of your past experiences through flashes of images, scents, and dream-like visions, and if the horse wishes to open up completely, he can sense your entire history as it stands up until the present, and it strikes him with a force; he is suddenly aware of your (and any human's) entire nature -- even the biggest joys and deepest pains -- and the horse knows, right away, on a level man cannot comprehend, what it is that makes you who you are, and drawing from what he knows, the horse reacts accordingly, responding to these senses and visions, whether it be in a positive or negative light, and the crucial, initial moment of connection determines the course of the relationship forever, meaning the dynamic of the bond, and the entire relationship remains the same unless horse or rider (or both), suddenly and strangely shift, opening up to the idea of humility and overall, when both surrender, learn, and let go, there is a partnership of true understanding that is difficult to duplicate.

Each creature is nature's schoolteacher for humankind.

And when it comes to true understanding -- herein enters the idea of the soul mate.

C.A. MacConnell


White T-Shirt with Black Writing

Paris, France apartment, 2015

I don't know what I'm going to do with
See it on the bed.
It's covered
With blood.
Whose blood is it? It's monstrous
What a bullet can
Do. I think I'll put
It away.
It's covered. I don't know what I'm going to do with it.
They were shooting, and they wouldn't
All I remember is that
The man in red, and those hands,
His hands.
With all of his strength, with the greatest reach alive,
He grabbed my arms and lifted me up and
Out. But
This shirt.
I don't know what I'm going to do
With it.
I think I'll put it

C.A. MacConnell


Photo: Long Stretch

Long Stretch

I know it's just a simple tree shot, but I find it fascinating and beautiful.
C.A. MacConnell