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Open House

Informal reading back in the day. I have no idea when, but I'm pretty sure I was reading a poem called, Alive.

Speaking of readings...are you coming to my book signing and reading Sunday, July 9th at The Main Cup 5-7pm, downtown Milford, Ohio? Celebrate the release of my second novel, THE HOUSE OF ANCHOR! Some free snacks, coffee, books, and a portion of the proceeds go to The Prospect House.

And yes,...there will be another surprise for you if you come, so don't miss out!

Here's another poem for you. More recent writings. I dig how this one turned out:

Open House

I think you would
like this place.

Shower water turns cold to shock.
Think short, kid fingers
burning in the snow.

I slip into my blue jacket.
I lace up my combat boots.

Outside, some windows slide open,
and the rest resting slam
shut. Somewhere, sweat

darkens a neck. Others
surely shiver home, straight

into the vein. Scattered in the square,
sleeping on benches,
tattooed girls cross and uncross,

pulling at wide-stretched
ears, twitching and laughing

near lonely, old men. Late skater boys
fuck, snake, paint, relate.
One of them, the smallest,

a half-finished painting…
well, he looks like you –

gaunt and buried within a yellowish glow
of lamp. I want to walk
with you. I want to step

on the heels of your shoes.
Alone feels right in this artist

light. Muted, a heavy makeup, it hides
the deepest flaws.
A splinter breaks free.

Now it’s caught in my curls,
and love is the man

who finally pries it loose. Well, now I am
almost inside. I feel almost
pretty. I think you would

like this place.

C.A. MacConnell